House of Hoops is a TV show aired on ABC 5 every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. It’s hosted by Vitto Lazatin, Bobby Yan, and Lia Cruz and it shows a featured National Basketball Association (NBA) game for the day and also shows statistics and the latest news in the NBA.
Before showing the game, Lazzatin, Yan, and Cruz tell their thoughts about the featured game. They say which team they believe is going to win the game based on the respective team’s standing, winning streak and other factors.
Then, they invite a person who’s had lots of experience regarding basketball. He/she may be a coach, a basketball player, or anyone who has got knowledge about the game. The said guest will also talk about his/her thoughts on the current situation in the NBA and which team is going to win the game.
As a journalism student, I think watching House of Hoops will help me hone my communication skills. When watching, I get to see how Vitto Lazatin and Lia Cruz analyze and talk about the featured basketball game. I get to learn how they talk, their hand gestures, and everything needed to be done about sports casting. Also as a journalism student, I write different kinds of news and feature stories—and sports writing is what I love to do the most. For me to become an effective sports writer, I have to have knowledge about the game. So, by watching the said TV show, I can be able to pick up important lessons for me to apply them when I write sports stories.
Aside from sports writing, I also would like to become a sports broadcaster when I graduate. Since I was a kid, I loved to play basketball. I was a basketball varsity player in high school and I am currently a player for the Journalism Society Basketball Team. I think my love for the game of basketball has also influenced me to become part of the sports broadcasting industry as well. Being in the said industry will not make me a living; it will also give me the chance to be part of something that I really loved since the beginning—which is basketball. Because for me, basketball is not just a game—it’s my passion and it’s my life.
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